How to get rid of Pee Smell in bathroom


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Lingering pee smells in your bathroom can be unpleasant. Here are some quick tips to remove the smell.

1. Identify the source of the pee smell

  • Toilet Bowl: Check for leaks or areas where urine might be trapped under the rim or behind the toilet.
  • Flooring: Spills or pet accidents can seep into grout or porous surfaces.
  • Other Surfaces: Urinary tract infections in pets can leave traces on fabrics or furniture.

2. Gather supplies

Here are some quick Amazon links we’ve curated to help you remove the pee smell:

  • Nitrile Gloves: Protect your hands.
  • Disinfectant cleaner: Targets bacteria that cause odors. Opt for a disinfectant labeled for bathrooms. Popular options include Lysol Bathroom Cleaner, or Clorox Disinfecting wipes.
  • Baking soda: A natural deodorizer that absorbs odors.
  • White vinegar: A natural disinfectant and mild acid that helps break down odor-causing compounds.
  • Essential Oils (optional): Tea tree oil or lavender oil have natural antibacterial properties and offer a pleasant scent (a few drops are enough).

How can I remove the pee Smell from the toilet bowl?

  • Flush the toilet to remove any loose debris.
  • Apply disinfectant cleaner under the rim, on the bowl surface, and around the toilet base. Let it sit according to the product instructions (typically 5-10 minutes).
  • Scrub the toilet thoroughly with a toilet brush, paying close attention to areas under the rim and around the base.
  • Flush again to rinse away the cleaner.

How can I remove the pee Smell from floors and surfaces?

  • Clean up any spills immediately with a disinfectant wipe or a solution of water and dish soap.
  • For porous surfaces like grout or tile, create a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it sit for 30 minutes. Scrub with a stiff brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • For non-porous surfaces like fabrics or furniture, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the affected area and allow it to air dry completely. Important: Test the vinegar solution on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration.

How can I prevent pee smell from building up over time?

  • Clean the toilet regularly to prevent bacteria build-up.
  • Address spills promptly to prevent them from soaking into surfaces.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in your bathroom by opening windows or using an exhaust fan.
  • Consider a toilet bowl deodorizer to maintain freshness between cleanings.

Wash Soft Items like Floor Mats

Items such as towels, mats and other soft fabric that live near your toilet can collect droplets of pee. Over time these items begin to stink. Don’t let it get to that point, throw these items directly into the washer.

Most washing machine detergents remove pee smell especially when running on a heavy cycle. Use a hot water cycle if possible to help loosen the fibers and and remove the smell.

Always look at the item’s tag before washing to avoid wrecking the material.

General Deodorizing:

  • Mix a few drops of Essential Oil (Amazon Link) with a gallon of warm water in a bucket.
  • Mop the bathroom floor with the essential oil solution. Ensure proper ventilation while mopping.
  • Leave the bathroom door open to allow fresh air circulation and drying.
  • Consider placing a bowl of baking soda in a discreet location within the bathroom to absorb lingering odors. Replace the baking soda every few weeks.

Addressing a urine or pee smell in the bathroom involves identifying the cause, applying the right cleaning methods, and taking preventative steps. Regular maintenance and hygiene practices are key.

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